Threads of Eden: Committed to going back to the way clothing was meant to be
This post made the news! Thank you National Hemp Association!
I fell in and out of love with a career in fashion, and then back in love again. Desire for beauty, outrage over ethical and sustainable tragedies in the industry, and discovery of natural solutions like hemp wove the fabric of my brand.
What is Wrong with the Fashion Industry?
Excess. Cheap. Toxic. Tacky. Unfair labor practices. Pollution. Politics. So many words to describe the problems we see. Another tired but true description is, “They don’t make clothes the way they used to anymore.”
We have seen too much cancer of the body, earth, and industry to be OK with doing the same thing. We could write many books about what is wrong, and it has been done. (See Sources below.) let’s summarize and talk about what we can do to make it better; Enter hemp.
Kind to the Earth
Hemp clothing is making a comeback in the fashion industry after losing ground to synthetic and chemical-laden fabrics like polyester and cotton. The political and economic reasons for its decline are broader than the scope of this article. While countries like China, India, and Nepal (to name a few) never stopped keeping hemp traditions strong, the 2018 Farm Bill allowed the U.S. to reintroduce industrial hemp, where pioneers are once again working hard to regain the legacy.
Hemp is valued for its minimal environmental impact, requiring less water, time, and pesticides while naturally resisting pests and improving soil air quality. This sustainable crop thrives in various climates, absorbs CO2, and has been rediscovered for its benefits to the environmental and human well-being.
Breathable , Comfortable, durable, and soft.
Hemp fabric is naturally breathable, making it a UV-resistant friend on hot days and moisture-wicking at the gym. (Down dog? If you are accustomed to super-stretch pants staying exactly put, this will require a little flexibility; of mind, that is. Alternatively, you can mix and match. Some companies are experimenting hemp-spandex blends for working out. The ideal is 100% natural, but every improvement helps.) Threads of Eden Designer Laura (that’s me!) loves to wear hemp for every part of her day, including a good cardio session, sweating along with classic 80’s rock.
Thermoregulating properties mean it helps the wearer stay warm in cold weather, in addition to comfort during the heat of summer. Hemp clothes, underwear* and PJs* are ideal year round.
Hemp is renowned for strong and mold resistant rope. It follows that hemp clothing is stronger than cotton, linen, and of course, wool.
Versatile and Stylish
Hemp fabric comes in a variety of styles and textures, from lightweight and airy to heavy and stiff. It can be used to create a wide range of garments, from t-shirts and dresses to jackets and pants.
Easy to Care For
Hemp clothing is easy to care for and can be washed in cold water with a mild detergent. It should be hung or laid flat to dry to avoid shrinking or fading.
Brands Making a Difference
Many brands are now incorporating hemp into their clothing lines, including Goddess Gear, Circle Creations, Sweet Skins, Patagonia, Hempest, Tentree, and Hemp Fortex. These brands are committed to sustainability and are helping to drive the shift towards more eco-friendly fashion choices.
A few champions providing quality hemp fabric to USA clothing makers are The Sourcing District, Hemp Traders, EnviroTextiles, and Tuscarora Mills (The latter weave fabric right in the USA.) I am proud of these patriots bringing the industry back home!**
Thank you…
For reading, sharing, and shopping a new small business like mine, doing my little part to make the world (and your closet) a better place. Hemp clothing offers a sustainable, comfortable, and stylish alternative to traditional fabrics. By choosing hemp clothing, you are not only making a fashion statement but also supporting a more sustainable future for the planet.
**Brands not mentioned here, please reach out to me at laura@threadsofeden.com. I am always sampling new fabric, using the best I can afford.